Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Label The Parts Of A Sailboat How Do You Remove Sticky Labels From A Box, Without Leaving Glue Or Parts Of The Label?

How do you remove sticky labels from a box, without leaving glue or parts of the label? - label the parts of a sailboat

What is the best way to remove a label stuck on (the firm in a few years down) is a box with a shiny casing, removal of the box without any glue or parts behind the label?


Lucretia M said...

The surefire way completely out of the label a little lighter fluid on the label and left for a minute. It melts the glue and the label should be postponed without much fuss from the beginning. :)

Fred B said...

You can try to "easier" - works for me ...

Fred B said...

You can try to "easier" - works for me ...

Jess H said...


I've seen how clean is your house the other night, when gently with a hair dryer to melt and then diluted with a tea tree oil to rub off more. But if it works for devices for removing the


vicky s said...

Use a heat source like a hair dryer to remove the label, then with the nail polish remover to remove nail glue, then with soap and water clean happiness

abcd1234 said...

away slowly and carefully, not to leave the queue or the parties to ..

Apolloni... said...

If you are careful, you can use a small cloth or cotton that is wet with a little soapy water. Do not use white spirit on glossy paper, as it can blur. (But is very good on hard surfaces such as most metals and ceramics, if their color and glaze the paint is in good condition.)

And take your time! You have just come from the upper surface of the label (no paper) very slightly damp arrived, then start with a nail new - not hard like a knife or something. Dab and again a little more and so on. Patience is the key ... Keep some tissues handy so when the water overflows into the role of the DAB dry immediately.

Once you have narrowed the field to gluggy) (Add to the dirt by lifting a small ball (from the edges inward) with one finger and then remove. (Make sure your hands are clean absolutelty first so do not leave stains.) Lasts a few minutes, but it is the best way to remove those labels with minimal damage.

Mr. Maul said...

Normally, I suggest you eucalyptus oil as it helps the dissolution of the adhesive, but more likely to work better in glasses, because they do nothing, if you get wet.

Since the picture a little clearer, but could stop it, moisture from the destruction. You can also have a relatively strong to remove the glue and the label a little at a time while you try anything that will dissolve the glue.

david UK said...

Reconstitution of nail polish, glue down

answers_... said...

You can try to steam. Sometimes the steam will remove the glue well. That's how you can receive coupons in an envelope.

Worth a try

niall566... said...

Try spirit.Dab on.Leave know for a while, then gently rub the remaining label lift away.It tail balanced.

Anonymous said...

After she left the label as much as possible. Rub the area gently with a damp cloth bits of adhesive or label to the substance, or simply left in the lurch attached.

pcc122 said...

Get some WD-40
and this applies to soak for a few minutes and loans

dolittle said...

It's called liquid glue was sold or something. Around and wait a second, then it should peel right away.

dolittle said...

It's called liquid glue was sold or something. Around and wait a second, then it should peel right away.

english bob said...

WHITE sprite is good for you

jayktee9... said...

Go buy at a stationery shop and a spray paint remover labels with which you take a label in 10 seconds and leaves no residue or mess around £ 2.00. ALSO WD40 may work, but it is complicated.

Lisa P said...

Heat - like a hair dryer!

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