Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Online Salieri Film What Contrasting Monologues Should I Use For My First High School Audition?

What contrasting monologues should I use for my first high school audition? - online salieri film

Hello, tomorrow audition for acting school, a one-act plays for the festival (except me, if we have one days snow, then it will be) on Thursday and I have never been tested on the high school, because I am a student and students in the first years a little shy these things. I have a bit of searching online. I found an interesting monologue of Salieri in Amadeus. While in another question, someone said film is a monologue, not a monologue, and I have only good words. Although we need a monologue contrast. Help?
Salieri: My plan was just afraid that to me. You must first define the mass of death and then I get up to his death. At his funeral! Imagine, all of Vienna, where Mozart's coffin, Mozart's little coffin in the middle and then, suddenly, in which silewell, music! A divine music bursts through it all. A great mass of death! Requiem Mass for Wolfgang Mozart, love of her friend, Antonio Salieri! Oh, it is sublime, what depth, what passion for the music! Salieri is touched by God at the end. And God is forced to listen! Helpless, powerless to stop it! I, once, finally, to mock him! The only thing that bothered me was the actual death. Why is that? Hmmm? How can you kill a man? Well, one of them dreamed, very different than when he has to do with his own hands.)

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