Saturday, February 13, 2010

Guinea Pig Styrofoam Guinea Pig Help Please?

Guinea pig help please? - guinea pig styrofoam

We have read a piece of Styrofoam in a corner of the cage like a guinea pig book that said she wanted a place to go to the toilet, but then turned around and saw that she ate half of it
Now one of our guinea pigs tics and jerky leg, and guess who might be made of Styrofoam, but they were not sure
If anyone knows why and help what to do to help, please


Anonymous said...

Styrofoam is harmful for the digestive system of pork, then remove it.

Anonymous said...

Styrofoam is harmful for the digestive system of pork, then remove it.

Anonymous said...

To call a veterinarian immediately !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Styrofoam is harmful for the digestive system of pork, then remove it.

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