Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eukanuba Diet Urinary Infection What Is The Best Cat Food For A Cat Diagnosed With Urinary Tract Blockage?

What is the best cat food for a cat diagnosed with urinary tract blockage? - eukanuba diet urinary infection

My vet recommended Science Diet cat or Eukanuba Low pH. My cat had surgery a few years ago) by a blockage (crystals, the urinary tract. The vet then said that he was always a special veterinary diet (low pH or Eukanuba Science Diet). A new veterinarian, took his place and gave me a clear answer. I wonder if anyone knows of a food at low pH, a cat that had the block of glass to feed. Oh, before I had glass block, I feed him Friskies, because it was everything I wanted to eat. The vet told me that what causes it, and that stress, in addition to be, was a new family dog.


rayngirl... said...

You need a feed perscription food for the rest of his life, C / D Science Diet or U / R Purina

Isthisna... said...

I had the same thing, but luckily my cat does not need surgery.

I would like to keep with the food order, but check into commercial products for human consumption and have created many similar ones. Read the ingredients and see if the numbers match. If so, you may have an alternative. Or ask another vet if possible. Why did not the vet new information?

From personal experience I can tell you that I tried my cat food at a time to change, but we had more blockage, he returned to the state parliament of Science. Wow, I feel bad.

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