Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Kind Of Weve Does Myamee Have My Cat Is Kind Of Limp ,has No Apettite, Shes Awake But Not Really All There, Her Eyes Are Also Kinda Dialated

My cat is kind of limp ,has no apettite, shes awake but not really all there, her eyes are also kinda dialated - what kind of weve does myamee have

It is an outdoor cat, but cold weather we have been keeping inside. We left him out of the toilet about 1 hours, etc.. shes like that. we've tried, through a water Sring, tryed to eat, everything. It is also a kind of large cat, losing weight seems to have. Please help I love my cat.


madame.m... said...

You should definitely consult a veterinarian as soon as possible, it may have poisoned or something outside, but it sounds good ... I hope that's okay

Crissy H said...

It seems that your cat has a lot to do. The cat outdoors is always a red flag - it was vaccinated against feline leukemia, or it has been tested? This is one of the first things that you are at the vet. The disease is fatal and is transmitted through the saliva of infected cats - they may receive little or a fight that could for the lameness. You can only hurt themselves, and not in the mood to eat. I'm glad that you try to syringe water - energy trying to feed her canned food. After 48 hours can not eat, Cats hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver receiving) and can be terminal. If you do not your vet, and if one out, if you can not hold inside. Good luck. I am attaching a link that might be useful, but please take him to the vet.

Crissy H said...

It seems that your cat has a lot to do. The cat outdoors is always a red flag - it was vaccinated against feline leukemia, or it has been tested? This is one of the first things that you are at the vet. The disease is fatal and is transmitted through the saliva of infected cats - they may receive little or a fight that could for the lameness. You can only hurt themselves, and not in the mood to eat. I'm glad that you try to syringe water - energy trying to feed her canned food. After 48 hours can not eat, Cats hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver receiving) and can be terminal. If you do not your vet, and if one out, if you can not hold inside. Good luck. I am attaching a link that might be useful, but please take him to the vet.

CaliG said...

Your cat broke Amy Winehouse!

Not take seriously the vet quickly!

CaliG said...

Your cat broke Amy Winehouse!

Not take seriously the vet quickly!

j. deo said...

Veterinarian immediately! that coulda been poisoned

○ said...

I have a cat over 7 years. I took it because it was cold. She had about a week. I came home one night, hanging around the middle way from his litter to find and can not do more than move his head a little and mourning. I ran to the vet. He said that he was poisoned.
If I pay a little more attention for their work a little less stable every day to be able to save him before it to a vet.

Animals are not trying to look sick. It's a survival thing. If they are weak, then eat. If it does not seem good. To ensure the life of your cat, you can find a vet tonight. Do not wait until tomorrow.

○ said...

I have a cat over 7 years. I took it because it was cold. She had about a week. I came home one night, hanging around the middle way from his litter to find and can not do more than move his head a little and mourning. I ran to the vet. He said that he was poisoned.
If I pay a little more attention for their work a little less stable every day to be able to save him before it to a vet.

Animals are not trying to look sick. It's a survival thing. If they are weak, then eat. If it does not seem good. To ensure the life of your cat, you can find a vet tonight. Do not wait until tomorrow.

kdishroo... said...

May your cat to dehydration, or who knows what in this very cold weather. Please take your cat to the vet, only they know what is wrong. If it has a question of money, most veterinarians a payment plan.

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